Name:   Björn "Jever" Schnell
 IRC:    @Jever
 Dir.:   comm, tcp
 Amiga:  A3000T WB3.1, 2MB Chip, 16MB Fast-RAM, A3640, DPES 1GB, XM3401 
         SQ 3270S, Piccolo EGS, AcerView 56L, Canon 600e, NoName V.34.
         A1200 WB3.1, Blizzard  IV 68030/50MHz/16MB, Seagate 51080A

[translated by Jan Willemsen. This is not the complete german text cause time problems]

curriculum vitae:

Born summer 1970 (lion) in Sande/Friesland. Than followed Kindergarten
in Jever, Kaufbeuren and Freiburg and than I landed again in Jever for
the primary school.

1988  to  1992 I became a communications electronic. Now I am studying
telecommunication in Dieburg.

Computer meets Jever:

My  first computer was a C= Plus4. I began with Assembler programming,
later I began programming in Pascal and C++.

Since 1992 I own a Amiga computer. All began with an 

1992 I bought my first (2400) Modem at WoC in Frankfurt.

My  A1200 is mainly used for FAX service.
My  A3000T is used for BBSs and Text editing.

My other favourites:

- Harald Schmidt
- Oliver Kalkofe (Mattscheibe, Onkel Hotte)
- Thriller by Alfred Hitchcock
- Frühstyx-Radio at radio ffn
- SWF3, the best of the south
- my hometown Jever
- riding a motor bike
- cats
- sand, Beach-volleyball

What I hate:

- experiments with animals
- our cancellor Kohl
- ...

Who wants to know more about me can meet me at the IRC @Jever.

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